Friday, December 24, 2010


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he got poetry

while watching the movie
in her shoes

my fucking
broke in two

when he looked at me and said
you know that poem
don't you


As the winter

becomes colder, I begin to laugh
that this subtropical paradise is
freezing us all...scarves, coats, hats
the fragile oranges, strawberry plants

I remember in the oldest houses,
how the heat didn't work, the fifties
in Central Fl, lakes nearby frosted,
and pipes frozen and plants withered

Now, in this small idealic place near the river,
One unit heats all and my cat sleeps warm.

I bring in hibiscus, and herbs, and they crowd
the kitchen with green towering selves

I sip hot wine and listen to orchestras of past
I remember how small a thing, a pair of gloves
can be when standing in the cold no matter where

And how kind of stupid this poem is, but really don't care.

~entering the desert

i have a house

full of male. helicopters
in miniature, sleep
in the closet. the brown
grass of winter. suzy,
it still stings me
with wonder our shared
childhood spaces
lakes of central
florida. orange scented
hands gathering dusk- magic .
corncakes for dinner . fire's glow,
insecticide fog, our loom.


Dyed hair
blonde I'm still

~venus jones

thank you, celestial dream

dec 1

on my sheet
a new blood stain

in blacktop cracks

~tasha klein

but the church bells have gone underground

and so have the moles,
religerosity rolls
down the holes
in drolls
to the tolls
the tolls
the tolls,


Hi you ,

on the way
I thought of one
does this

I left
in the car

~shirley buckland